MPES Update from MDE on 8/27/2013

(Details of email from MDE to all districts)

Good morning!

Please remember that Mississippi Principal Evaluation System (MPES) Forms 2A-C should be completed and submitted in Canvas.  Keep the following tips in mind:

  • Prior to submission, principals and their supervisors should meet to discuss the goal forms. The forms should be signed, acknowledging that both parties have reviewed the goals.  For assistance with submitting the forms in Canvas, please contact 
  • The goals must be schoolwide growth goals, meaning that all statewide assessment data for the entire school should be included in the goal. For example, a 7-12 grade building would include 7th grade MCT2, 8th grade MCT2, and Algebra I in the schoolwide math goal. Note: A schoolwide goal for a school with multiple statewide assessment grades should NOT be based upon only one grade or subject area. MDE's vision for the schoolwide growth goal is that the goal will mirror and support the new statewide accountability model (pending State Board of Education approval).
  •  All goals must be SMART goals (specific, measurable, attainable/actionable, realistic/results-driven, and time-bound).
  • IMPORTANT CHANGE: Prior to this email, MDE has said that Organizational Goal 1 on Form 2C should be related to student growth percentile targets. However, due to timeliness of receiving data from the 2012-13 school year, both organizational goals should be based upon leading or lagging indicators.  Due to this change, we are extending the deadline for Canvas submission to Friday, September 6, 2013


Note regarding Alternative School Principal participation: MDE has received a number of questions regarding the applicability of state assessment data as the schoolwide growth measure for alternative school principals. In support of these questions, MDE held a focus group meeting last Thursday, August 22, 2013, with a group of alternative principals from across the state. While we had a robust conversation, the focus group still has concerns regarding consistent schoolwide growth measures for alternative schools. Therefore, we offer the following guidance:

  •  MDE firmly believes that statewide data should be the first option for evaluation; however, we and our focus group recognize that  some alternative schools do not serve students for intervals of time sufficient to use statewide data as valid growth measures. In these situations, a valid and reliable pre- and post-test may be substituted.
  •  Alternative principals should continue the use of the MPES process, including posting data and documentation into Canvas. However, as with K-2 principals who are using data other than statewide assessments, alternative principals may elect to use non-statewide data that are more pertinent to the given situation (such as the pre- and post-test option noted above).


Please contact us if you have any questions.